📢 News!
June 25 — Agent submission deadline has been extended to July 7.

Getting started

Welcome to the Agent Development Track! The following tutorial video will walk you through the steps to set up agent training environment.

Training Environment

A low fidelity version of Dice Adventure including the agent training environment can be acccessed at https://github.com/STRONG-TACT/Dice-Adventure-Agents.

Submit an Agent

The submission portal for Dice Adventure hackathon and CoG competition was opened on May 1, 2024 and will be closed on July 7, 2024. To submit an agent, please fill out this submission form and upload your submission (zip file only) to this Dropbox link.

Please reach out to us at glensmith@gatech.edu and qzhang490@gatech.edu if you come across any technical issues.

Last updated on July 2, 2024.