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June 23 — Sign up to play Dice Adventure and compete for the prizes!

Play Dice Adventure 🎮 Sign Up to Compete 🏆
Hop on a game and play Dice Adventure online. Sign up to play with pther players and compete for the prizes.

How to Play

Dice Adventure is now available on itch.io. We will also release a local build of the game for players to explore and for developers to test their agents. You can jump on the game and play at any time from May 8, 2024 to July 15, 2024. The AI agent will be online on June 15, 2024. Virtual match making events will be hosted between June 15, 2024 and July 15, 2024. The game supports two play modes — the exhibition mode and the tournament mode. In the exhibition mode, you can select from a list of currently available agents you want to play with and assign rolse to the agent. The tournament mode will only be available at match-making event.

Match-making Events

We will be organizing a series of in-person and virtual match-making events. The signup link will be posted soon. Though players can form any teams when playing the game, only hybrid teams will be considered as competition entries and can compete for the cash prize. There are two allocations for the hybrid teams:

  1. Two human players and one AI agent
  2. One human player and two AI agents.
  • In-person: there will be a game competition at the in-person hackathon. Please see the hackathon page for detailed schedule.
  • Online: we will be organizing a few virtual match-making events outside of the in-person hackathon event. Detailed information and schedule will be posted soon.

Last updated on June 24, 2024.